Saturday 6 April 2019


From where we sit we can see the far end of the beach which is actually quite close to us. So after lazing around on the beach loungers we went for a walk to check out the end of the beach. To our surprise we found it had beach huts for rent, a bar, a restaurant, a bonfire pit, and a lovely area to sit and watch the sunset. It's a bit on the hippy side, and probably more suited for younger people, but we were quite taken with it all, and we're told it's called Sundown.

            Low tide, but there is a bit of water you still need to wade through to continue to the far end.

We occasionally see these to young men hauling items to Sundown. One time they had huge ice slabs on their heads. 

                This rock reminds me of a huge napkin holder.

                                            The bar

                  The building on the right is the restaurant.

                                     The beach huts

There's always an artist around! Good thing that's the only shark around these waters.

                           Walking home and looking back.

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