Thursday 11 April 2019

Goodbye India

We said our goodbyes and thank yous to the staff at Cafe Blue Hotel, jumped in our cab, and drove to the airport, and flew to Mumbai. We found our Radisson Hotel driver outside the Mumbai airport waiting to take us to the hotel. It was a short 15-20 minute ride to the hotel through crazy busy India traffic. Upon our arrival, and before being allowed onto the property, our car had to clear a security check by having the undercage inspected with mirrors, the trunk and luggage had a visual inspection, and the security man gave us the hairy eyeball! The gate was opened and we were allowed up the driveway. Our luggage was x-rayed, and we had to walked through a scanner. We were finally ushered into the hotel where we were greeted at the doorway by some very friendly and professional staff who took our passports, showed us to a lovely room, and had our luggage and passports delivered to us. Geesh! What a place! We're used to less formality! But the Radisson really is a beautiful hotel, but unfortunately there was no where to have a drink, so we walked across the street to a restaurant called Something Fishy. I guess we arrived early because we were the only ones in the restaurant. We sat at the bar, chatted it up with the bartender and staff. We bought a bottle of wine and decided to stay for supper. We had a lot of attention as the staff hovered over us making sure were had everything we needed and more. As the evening progressed the restaurant started to fill and by the time we left is was full. What a great last evening in India! Tomorrow...Greece!

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