Tuesday 9 April 2019


We had gone for a pizza supper the other night and got to talking to a Brit who was sitting next to us. He has been coming to Palolem Beach for around a dozen years and seemed to know the area quite well. He advised us to go and see the eagles that live by the river that is close to our end of the beach. We thanked him kindly, and never really gave it another thought until a couple of days later when we were approached on the beach by a local who offers boat trips up the river to see the eagles. The time of day was right because the tide was high and the river would be accessible, so we went. Our journey to see the eagles was amazing, even for us rural folk. The experience was quiet and relaxing, and the boat master quietly used a pole to move us around. He had very keen eyes and was able to spot birds our eyes didn't catch until he pointed them out. We had a wonderful time. Thank you Pete for the recommendation!

                        This bridge leads to a yoga retreat.

                                       Our boat master

                             And our journey begins...

                    Accommodations called Dreamcatcher.

This combination of rocks is called Balancing Rock. In the heat of the day, monkeys like to grab some shade underneath the Balancing Rock.

Our boat master used raw chicken to feed the eagles and we got to watch the show. There were dozens of eagles. This white eagle was the biggest.

                            A dam


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