Thursday 25 April 2019


Well, in a 1.5 days we did everything there is to do in Delphi, so we hopped on a bus and went to the small town of Chrisso, about 15 minutes away. The town is small, quiet and quaint. We walked around the village admiring the buildings when we came upon a lemon tree that had the largest lemons we have ever seen and the tree was loaded with fruit. As we were ewwing and awwing over this tree the woman who owned the property came over to us and gave us 2 of her lemons. Each lemon was much bigger than my fist. With our gift of fruit we said goodbye and headed off to the local restaurant for a beer, where we were greeted with a friendly smile, 2 large beer, and a plate of delicious food, and with a second order of beer we received a second plate of food! Geesh! How much food does this guy think we can eat! When we went to pay the bill, we were only charged for the beer, the owner said the food was free! What a guy! 

Unfinished post....picture loading problems...

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