Friday 12 April 2019

Ancient Athens

We were awe-struck taking in the ruins of Athens. Ancient buildings and remains seem to be all over in the area we are staying. Buildings and a civilization that dates back before the time of Christ. 
It's totally awesome!

 Hadrian's Library 2nd century AD.The library which also held music and lecture rooms was set next to a courtyard bordered by 100 columns, with a pool in the center. This is all that has been restored and the rest is Barney Rubble.

Views from a hill while walking to the Acropolis. We started our day around 9am to see the rubble sites only to find out there was a strike going on from 8-11am. So we amused ourselves with free sites, and a sit-down at a cafe for coffee. It was a rainy morning, and everyone was drenched. Thank goodness for our rain jackets!

 The Acropolis is the most important ancient site in the Western world.

                                  Theatre of Dionysos

                                   The Parthenon

                               Porch of the Caryatids

                                      Hadrian's Arch

                             Temple of Olympian Zeus

                                       A former house

                           Remains of the Roman Baths

Paratheniac Stadium. Site of the first modern days Olympics.
       Church of the Holy Apostles in the area called Ancient Agora.

                                   Ancient Agora ruins.

                               Ancient Agora museum

                                      Temple of Hephaistos

                                        More Ancient Agora ruins

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