Saturday 21 February 2015

Tired of Rain

Our final night at Diggers Beach in Coffs Harbour poured.  It had rained off and on during our stay, but it now seemed to settle in.  The morning was still pissing down rain(Aussie terminology).  Feeling a bit grumpy we decided enough was enough, and we packed up and headed west over the Great Divide for sunny skies and warm air!  We said our goodbyes to Sandra and Gurry, they decided to stay put, and hopefully we will see them at Byron Bay when the rain quits.  We spent one night in a beautiful country town called Tenterfield, then moved on to a rural campsite at Glenlyon Dam.  It was an awesome place!  It was loaded we kangaroos, and big lizards called goannas, a variety of birds, an information center about the dam and wildlife in the area, and also a few campers.  I did laundry, we dried out the awning, the camp chairs, and cleaned up the van.  We were told not to feed the kangaroos, because they become aggressive in their hunt for food.  One ripped open the belly of a child who was eating a sandwich.  An sure enough, soon as I took the pizza rounds, and fixings out for supper guess who showed up!  A few kangaroos, and they weren't shy.  We had to put the lawn chairs between us and them, finally Hoss had to tap one on the backside with a stick to get it to move, but it only a went short distance away.  Finally, after many attempts of arm waving, and verbal encouragement to skidaddle they final left us alone.
They are cute, but very furious.

                                          A goanna lizard.

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