Monday 2 February 2015


We have arrived in Melbourne, but are terribly disappointed in the weather.  It is very cool and rainy, with intermittent sun.  We hope that this cool front is almost over!  We found a fancy campground called Big 4 Holiday Park, which we have seen all over Australia.  It is fairly expensive, but offers a lot... two movies a day, a warm TV room, a games room, heated pool and hot tub, very nice heated bathrooms/showers, laundry, beautiful camp kitchen, separate bathroom for children, gardeners, and security.  We wanted something within the city so access to downtown was easy.  That we got, and we stayed three nights.  Something else we have had for the past couple of days is a terrible smell in the camper van, and it only smelled when we were driving.  So once we were set up at Big 4, we dragged everything out of the van, and discovered the battery for for fridge had malfunctioned!  Yeah, we found the source of the putrid smell( I had visions of roasted snakes entangled in the undercarriage of the van)!!!  As it happened, there was a mechanic shop right next door to Big 4.  We consulted with him, and he said the battery was already bulging!!  He checked the van over from  top to bottom, and said it was in great shape, but to change the top rad hose, because it had a crack.  He replaced the cheap battery with a quality one, Hoss replaced the rad hose, and it was good to go!!  Now if only the weather would smarten up!!

                                          Searching for the big stink!
                                          My laundry drying!
                                          The camp kitchen.

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