Monday 9 February 2015

Basil and Brushtail Possums

Hoss loves fresh basil.,  We grow it in our garden, it usually has a window spot somewhere in the house, he is constantly looking for its fresh leaves in grocery stores, so when we came across a potted plant in one of the grocery stores in Australia we bought it.  He babied it, only using a few leaves at a time, cut off a drink bottle to house it in.  It always sat in the back window when we traveled so it received lots of light.  So, the other night when we were camping at Martin's Bend on the Murray River, I was unable to sleep, the weather has been extremely warm and the van wasn't hot, but I like cooler sleeping conditions.  The windows were open, and I could hear some snuffling outside, so I put on my glasses to see, but due to such darkness I could only see a shape.  By this time Hoss woke up, shone his flashlight, and we discovered a couple of brushtail possums eating his basil.  They ate the whole plant, and all that was left was dirt, and a few stems!!  I had a very good laugh, but all Hoss could say was, "Damn those little f#&*!rs!!"

1 comment:

  1. so he left his plant on the ground during the night? help me understand.
