Saturday 4 March 2017

Villa Italia

Hoss researched the restaurants in the the area and had a couple of places in mind for Italian food.  Our small apartment came with bicycles so we snooped out Playa Del Coco on two wheels man powered.  We checked out some places we read about.... another grocery store, a large fruit stand which we had seen preciously, a golf course which wasn't a golf course... but was a timeshare office...we went running like hell from there, talked to a guy who drove down from Minnesota and had all the same boarder crossing stories we have from when we traveled in our motorhome in 1995-96.  Nothing has changed...there is still all the same hassles, and corruption!  We also looked for the  restaurant called Villa Italia.  After riding down a dusty dirt road in a residential area with the help of google maps, we almost gave up when we spied a small sign for the place we were looking for.  It was enclosed with a wall, as most residential homes are, and locked up tight, so we peered through the gate to see whatever there was to see....which wasn't much.  There stood what looked to be a home, walkway, shrubbery, flowers, all the fixings for a neat, tidy home, and there was also parking for four vehicles.  As we were leaving, a vehicle drove up, with a young woman driving and children in the backseat.  We chatted a bit and discovered she was the chef.  We made a dinner reservation for that evening.  Before we arrived, I was expecting a tasty home cooked meal from this woman's family kitchen, with a few small tables out in the yard.  I was shocked when we entered the restaurant!!  The lighting, the atmosphere, the table settings, our waiter, was all so very elegant!  The meal was to die for!!  And there she was, the young woman we spoke to earlier in the day, behind the half glass wall that divided the restaurant from the her kitchen, in her chef uniform distinguishing herself from the other kitchen cooks!  What a fabulous meal and restaurant.  It is rated Number 1 in the area!

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