Tuesday 6 December 2022

Off To Tequila

 After our stay in Patzcuaro, we headed off to the small city of Tequila Jalisco, where all the tequila is made. The town is vibrant and jolly, and of course there was a tequila festival going on!

                                     I love this guy's broom!

                                         A lot of dancing in the streets!

This is the ancient Mexican ceremony called the Dance of the Flyers. According to Totonac myth 450 years ago and probably more, there was a severe drought that brought hunger to the residents of that area. The people believed that the gods were punishing them because of their neglect of worship. This ceremony was created to appease the gods and bring back the rains.

             Here's our gang, and we are missing Claude because he's taking the picture.

Crystal, Pat, Wendy, Lynne, Hoss, Ann, and Tim. What a fun group this turned out to be!

                                     Not all Mexican dogs are mangy street mutts!

                                       One of my delicious suppers.

                                      Beautiful church in the square


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