Wednesday 21 December 2022

Food Tour Hosted By Zanca Travelers

We had a successful bid at a silent auction at a fund raiser for the food bank. The prize was a food tour of Zihua. The tour was hosted by owners Sandy and Vidal of Zanca Travelers. They make a great team and work hard to make their tours a fantastic experience for all of their clients, and this tour was no exception! It was amazing and delicious, and I recommend it to anyone who is interested in food and restaurants.

All the restaurants we visited are owned by families that have been in Zihua for many, many decades. Carmelita's was our first stop. The Grandmother, Carmelita, is the owner, and it is her family's recipes that are used for the delicious food that is served to the restaurant's patrons.

                                     This is a mural of Carmelita


  Zanca Travelers owners, Sandy and Vidal. They offer a variety of types and styles of tours depending on what you want to see and do. We highly recommend them. They are knowledgeable and friendly.

                                            Tortilla's being made by hand.

The leaf on this tortilla is from one of the restaurant's trees that is shown a couple of pictures down.



                                Carmelita's grandson who is taking the reins for the family.

Our next destination was a small taco restaurant called, "La Flechita Roja," that serves tacos al pastor y barbacoa de res. Their story is very interesting. It all started back many decades ago when the family lived 45 minutes out of Zihua. Everyday, the father and son packed up all the food they needed for their taco stand, drove the 45 minute drive to Zihua, worked their day of many hours, then packed everything back up and went home, only to do it all again the next day. One evening when they returned home, they were met with all their belongings being packed up and placed into a moving van. With bewilderment on their faces, the mother of the family explained to them she had decided to move the family to Zihua so father and son wouldn't need to commute any longer. They found a place to live in Zihua, opened up a small 24 hour restaurant right beside the bus stop which was genius. Now every evening before local workers got on the bus to go home they stopped at the taco restaurant and bought their supper for the ride home. The rest is history. This small taco restaurant has become a huge success and a staple in the community. People from all walks of life can be seen enjoying the delicious food at all hours of the day and night.


Destination number 3 was to a very small restaurant called "Club M" that serves tiritas. Tiritas are similar to ceviche except the fish is cut into thin slices and "cooked" in the acidity of lime juice in which they are marinated. Ceviche is cubed and often marinated in orange juice to have a sweeter taste. Our tiritas were made on the spot, and in front of us on the side of the street. We sat inside the wee restaurant and had a beer with our food. I think we'll be back! Quite yummy!


                                       Club M comes with a view...


                                       And of course construction is going on.

 Our final restaurant of the evening lies on Fishermans' Walk. Augustina's claim to fame is their mescal. Mescal is made from any of the varieties of agave plant, but tequila is made only from the blue agave plant. Many of their dishes are cooked and flavoured with mescal including some desserts. We were treated royally and thoroughly enjoyed the variety of dishes and service. 


Zanca Travellers drives everyone home at the end of the tour, but Hoss and I decided to walk...we were majorly full! Wow..what a tour! Thank you to Zancas Tours for your knowledge and hospitality! We had a wonderful time!

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