Sunday 25 December 2022

Feliz Navidad from Zihua

 Christmas in Mexico once again. It's always very busy with a mass of people infiltrating Zihua for the holidays, and noisy with loud banging, jump out of my skin, firecrackers. Mexicans celebrate with a late night meal on Christmas Eve then party well into the wee hours of the morning. It's always a joyous occasion accompanied with decorations, food, drink, and happy people. 

The golden cowboy is a Christmas staple. We see him every year. He is quite amazing to be able to hold these poses for long lengths of time. Passerbys always stop and speculate to what he is. It reminds me of when we were in Disney World with our boys and they stopped to inspect some Greek statues only to find out they were real people! It was fun to watch our kids reactions! And it is also fun to watch the reactions of others to this cowboy!

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