Tuesday 13 December 2022


We said our goodbyes to Tim and Ann as they headed to the coast to visit family in Barra de Navidad, and the six of us made our way to Morelia. Pat and Wendy stayed one more night in Morelia then left for Zihua leaving Claude and Lynne, and Hoss and me to explore the city.

                   Having drinks at a night club. I can safely say we were the oldest ones there.

All the Christmas lights were turned on the second night we were there....the Christmas season is beginning!

                                          Aren't these two sisters beauties!

                                   A delicious supper in the colonial area of Morelia

                                        Rooftop views and afternoon beers


Morelia's beautiful pink quarry aquaduct was built in 1785. It's 1810 meters long and consists of 253 arches and two water boxes. It brought drinking water into the city which was experiencing a terrible drought for two years. It also provided work for the indigenous people of the region. The aquaduct was functional until 1910.


                                   We upscaled it for accommodations in Morelia.

                                            We ate at this lovely restaurant.


                                       The amazing cathedral in Old Town Morelia


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