Wednesday 17 February 2021

Whale Watching

We were invited to share in a whale watching experience, and of course the cost of the boat and captain. We are so thankful to Brian and Jan, new neighbours of Claude and Lynne, who arranged this trip. What a glorious morning!

                                            Our fearless captain!

                                              The beginning of our whale sightings.

                                          This was the first whale.

The second sighting was of a mother and calf breaching. We also spotted two turtles. My pictures are few of this experience, because I used my eyes and shot with the camera randomly so I wouldn't miss the event.


                                                       Some shots of the new pier


               Playa Principle located just off the pier, where the fishing cooperative keeps its boats.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pictures of the whales! My goal to see this one day. 🤞👍🐳
