Saturday 6 February 2021

Tequila Lessons

I guess we've been drinking gut rot all these years! We were educated in the ways of the tequila world by a fellow pickleball player who is also a connoiseur of tequila. He got us thinking, so one evening while I was at the dentist in Ixtapa, Hoss ventured over to a tequila store around the corner, and tested varieties of tequilas. He brought home a bottle of Cava de Oro which is quite expensive, but honestly, it was well worth the money! It is meant to be drank at room temperature, with no ice, in a wide mouthed glass, so you can swirl it to see the legs, then smell the aromas of cinnamon, caramel, vanilla, and nutmeg. Its smooth taste quickly expands in your mouth revealing a delicious range of toasted flavours of cinnamon and maple syrup. It is a taster's delight! I have never been a fan of drinking hard alcohol straight up, but in my opinion this drink can only be drank this way! Another bottle, please!

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