Thursday 11 February 2021

Tamale Party

Candelaria is a Christian-Catholic festivity widely celebrated by the Mexican people on February 2, exactly 40 days after Christmas. In most Spanish-speaking and Catholic countries, the day of the Epiphany on January 6, or Three Kings Day, and is generally considered the end of the holiday season. However, since certain traditions on Three Kings Day later tie into Candelaria, some people consider the latter to be the true end of the winter holidays(Candelaria is not an official Mexican holiday, and nor is it even nationally celebrated). Special Mass services are held to commemorate the day, and some families host a special dinner that usually involves the traditional food of tamales. We are located in an area that celebrates Candelaria, and were extremely fortunate enough to be invited to a tamale meal. Victor, his wife Miriam, and their daughter Aline, own and run a small dry goods store in the covered market, and hosted the tamale celebration in the back of their store. Such great people! We felt so honored to have been included in their family celebration!

                                               Victor and Hoss

                                            The lovely Miriam! Such a sweet woman!

                                            Steamed vegetables, guacamole and chips, for starters.

                                            The star of the meal....tamales! Homemade by Miriam!

                                           David and his wife

                           Some tamales are wrapped in banana leaves, these are wrapped in corn husks.

 Tamales are seasoned shrimp, beef, chicken, or pork with veggies that's wrapped in cornmeal dough and steamed or baked in corn husks or banana leaves.  Miriam made shrimp and chicken tamales. They were absolutely delicious!

                                                        Victor's and Miriam's store

                                                 Claude, Lynne, Pat and Wendy

                                           Beautiful Aline! Such a great kid!

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