Monday 4 January 2021

Zihua Ixtapa Walking/Cycling Path

A walking/cycling path has been completed from Zihuatanejo to Ixtapa. I'm not totally sure where it begins in Zihua, or where it ends in Ixtapa, but I am quite sure you can walk or cycle from the far end of Playa La Ropa by Rossy's or start at the pier in Zihua and follow the path all the way to Playa Linda.. It isn't that difficult of a walk, but it can get sunny and hot in places. We carried two 500ml bottles of water, and that seemed to be enough for the two of us. We picked the trail up by the canal that is close to our accommodations, and by my google map calcualations it was 7.7kms, and around 11 000 steps.

                                          This is the overpass walkway view.

                                          A small hovel... be thankful where you live!

                      This the sunny, hot part of the trail has a bit of elevation to it for quite a distance.

                                         The apex overlooking Ixtapa...and looking east a bit....
                                            Morrocoy.... then a bit more east....

                                           Ixtapa La Puerta where Freddies Bar is.

                                          It's all downhill from this point on.

                                            Ixtapa from another viewpoint.

                                              We are now in Ixtapa.

Ahhhh....finally....Shorties Restaurant in Ixtapa(right beside The Generals)where we were rewarded with a delicious breakfast.

1 comment:

  1. That looks like a lovely walking path to Ixtapa! Thanks for sharing the pictures!
