Friday 15 January 2021

Afternoon and Evening Beach Walk

One of our favourite past times is to walk the beach and look at all there is to see. The ocean and sand never cease to amaze me with its beauty!

Sadly, this little guy didn't make it. There are lots of turtles that come on to the beaches in the evening to lay their eggs. Later, on this same day, after a delicious dessert and glass of wine, we walked down the beach and came across an Olive Ridley mama mesmerized and in the process of laying her eggs in a hole that she dug with her flippers. Conservation officers were in attendance to ensure people didn't interfere with her process. Once the eggs are laid and the mama and is returning to the ocean, the officers will dig up the eggs, then transport and replace them in a nest that is protected from dangers. The eggs will hatch in a approximately 45-65 days, and the baby turtles will be escorted to the ocean.

Avocado pie with ice cream! Who would have thought that was a tasty dessert?! Not too sweet, and goes well with a glass of cab sav!

                                  And we were entertained by these too who sounded great!

                                          Such a pretty walkway along the beach.

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