Friday 8 January 2021

Rosca De Reyes

In Mexico, on January 5, there is a celebration called Three Kings Day, when all children receive gifts. Then, January 6 is celebrated by cutting a cake called Rosca de Reyes, which contains some small dolls representing Baby Jesus. Once again our hostess, Adriana, generously included us in their celebration.

   And guess who got the Baby Jesus Doll...again?! Hoss will have to provide a tamale meal in a month.

                                           Adriana, and her son Diego.

                                             Other guests, from Adriana's church.

                                      Adriana, our host. She also manages our accommodations.

                                      The Rosca is usually served with coffee or hot chocolate.

The Rosca De Reyes represents, for Christians, the infinite circle of God's love, which has neither beginning nor end. The dried, crystallized fruit that adorns the wreath shaped, sweet bread, symbolizes the jewels on the kings' crowns, and these in turn represent love, peace, and happiness. The little doll hidden in the Rosca reflects the time when the Holy Family had to flee to Egypt and hide the Messiah to protect him from King Herod. In Mexico, the person who finds the the Child of God in the bread becomes the godfather or godmother, and then on February 2 has to provide tamales for a celebration called Dia de la Candelaria(Feast of the Presentation of the Lord) who reminds us when Joseph and Mary brought the child to meet him. The person who finds the Baby Jesus doll in the Rosca will also receive blessings for the whole year!

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