Monday 25 January 2021

The Salty Bitch

 There's a small restaurant on Playa La Madera we call The Salty Bitch because of an incident that happened three years ago with a group of our friends. A grouchy patron, who was female, was unhappy with music we were playing, which wasn't loud at all, but she sure was, and so much so, we got up and left, much to the dismay of the owner, who was appreciative of the money we were spending. Later that afternoon, one of our friends referred to the grouchy woman as "that salty bitch". We all had a good laugh, but the name stuck, and we now refer to that particular restaurant as The Salty Bitch. 

                               A couple we play pickle ball with live on this boat for the winter.

                                           The beach is getting quieter and quieter.

                                           Relaxing in the sun, at the Salty Bitch!

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