Wednesday 21 March 2018

Mangrove Trip, Koh Lanta, Thailand

We rode our scooter about 20 minutes southeast of our Long Beach accommodations. It was a pleasant trip and the mangroves are always interesting to visit. We rented a longboat operator and off we went.

Boys having a lot of fun jumping off the bridge. But I wish they were in school instead of apprenticing for a long boat operator!

                       When a boat is rented the young boys run and help our the captain.

      At one point in time you could stay in this lodging in the mangroves. I know we are granola travellers, but this wouldn't appeal to me, even when it was in better shape. I am sure only young people and hippies would be interested! There are still signs advertising its availability.

  Our boat captain stopped where the monkeys hang out and they invaded our boat like a bunch of over eager pirates looking for loot. Thank goodness we weren't carrying any food, but one monkey did try to take Hoss's water bottle that he was holding.

                                                They also love to swim in the water.

                                                 A small fishing hut.

 We saw this beauty when leaving the mangrove parking lot. It's a huge step up from the bucket of bolts we rented! Every time we get on and ride away I'm expecting the machine to fall to pieces  leaving us stranded on the side of the road.

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