Friday 30 March 2018

Homeward Bound!

Well after 4 months of travel, 5 countries, a great visit with Jess and Catlin, numerous flights, ferries, trains, rental scooters, cabs, subway systems, rental cars, many accommodations, and meeting many great people along the way, we have arrived home. With 20 hours of travel from Thailand to Canada, we rested up in Vancouver for a couple of nights, hopped onto Via and after 50 hours of train travel we arrived in Melville and was greeted by Addison who collected us from the station, and delivered  us to our home!! The saying is so place like home! And now to get caught up with our new grandson!

                                            Our view from our hotel room in Vancouver.

                                          Via train

             This young lad from Ontario entertained us with his music in the dome car.

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