Monday 9 January 2017

Torch Parade

Aruba's Torch Parade is Carnival's kick off parade.  The parade is considered to be Aruba's favourite Carnival parade, a treat for the visual senses.  The parade is held in downtown Orangestad and begins at 8pm.  Thousands of tiny lights are incorporated into clothing and hats, moving vehicles, and floats.  The lights add a creative and dramatic effect on the vivid colours that are displayed.  The parade is filled with live bands, traveling bars, and dancing people.  I am sure every resident in Aruba was there, either participating in the parade, or watching it.  The party goes well into the night!  This year Carnival will be celebrated on February 26, 2017.  I would love to be here for that!

                                                   This parade was two hours long!

This is a traveling bar that is in the parade.  They give out drinks to the people who are in the parade.

 Loud, loud music from live bands is blasted out of huge speakers that a loaded onto the vehicle the band is in.
                        It is hard to see, but the speakers are strapped onto the front of this truck.
                       Here is a drone taking pictures of the parade.  There were three of them.

                                           What a crazy time this was!!

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