Thursday 12 January 2017

Hello Colombia!!

Our flight from Aruba to Bogota was pushed back by two hours, and our connection to Cartagena delayed by eight hours!! Ugh!  So we decided to book a hotel room in Bogota and grab a few hours sleep, instead of sleeping in the airport!  Been there, done that, and no more!  But on the sunny side, we met a young Colombian man named Darwin in the airport in Bogota.  Hoss chatted to him very briefly there, then again on the plane, and once more at the carousel while waiting for our luggage.  It turns out his immediate family has moved to the states seven years ago.  Darwin has just graduated from chemical engineering from one of the universities in Chicago and he now has a job in that field in Ohio.  His whole family came back to Colombia for a family holiday, but he came a little later because of his job.  We asked him about the cost of taxis and he said he could ask his dad who was picking him up, and then he said they could probably drive us to our accommodations if they had room.  After retrieving our luggage and departed the building we were greeted by Darwin's parents and cousins.  They said of course they could drive us to wherever we needed to go but we must first come for breakfast with them.  So off we went to a small outdoor restaurant around the corner for a Colombian breakfast called "arepas rellenas de queso," corn cakes filled with cheese.  We had a much needed meal, with a group of great people!!  After breakfast Darwin's parents drove us to our room and invited us to join them this evening in Old City if we were up for it!!  What a bunch of great people!!

      Darwin is the young man looking into the camera smiling.  The other young guys are his cousins.

 Corn cake filled with cheese, but these ones also had chunks of potatoes in them.

                                            The chef

                                           Darwin's mom is the lady in blue.

                                        Here is one of two resident restaurant cats.

                                           Darwin's dad.

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