Saturday 5 February 2022

Patzcuaro Lake Day Trip

Patzcuaro Lake is a short few minutes from Patzcuaro by car. It's basin is of volcanic origin and is surrounded by volcanic mountains with very steep slopes. Its average depth is 5 metres with a maximum of 11. The lake plays host to 6 islands, with one being sparsely populated and another with tourist facilities. There are also 10 small towns that lie on the shores of the lake.


        The first small town we came across was the Magicl Town of Tzintzuntzan.

The 5 yacata pyramids of Tzintzuntzan, which means "place of hummingbirds", were a ceremonial center which over look Patzcuaro Lake.

The next town we came across was Quiroga, which is known for its delicious pork meals. We were hungry for lunch so it didn't take long before we came across a few restaurants serving up sandwiches and tacos.

                         We were also tole Quiroga has some great low cost shopping.


                                     Patzcuaro Lake sights accompanied by its small towns

                                            Our small rental


                                           Colourful graveyard


                                       One our way back to Patzcuaro

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