Monday 21 February 2022

A Bit of Kayaking

 We took a day trip to Barra de Potosi for a change of scenery, and also for something different to do for the day. We rented kayaks and enjoyed the serenity of the lagoon and waterways of the mangroves. Our fleeting companions were a variety of birds and the odd fishermen with their nets and small boats, otherwise it was quiet and relaxing. We loved every minute of this experience!

A massive grouping of pelicans hunkered down close to the shoreline at Barra enjoying the abundance of fish.


                                           Kim enjoying her kayak


Aha! Found my boat! People who know me well, know that my first name is Roxanna.


                                  Another species of an egret, through a smudgy lens.


       A heron, I missed the larger one, but was able to capture this picture of a smaller one.


                                               A black vulture


                                           A stork

I've noticed that the shoreline has been a bit altered after Hurricane Rick hit this area last fall. We've never seen the lagoon shoreline so close the the beach restaurants.


                                           A lovely, elegant egret


After our kayaking excursion we were thirsty and hungry. The beers slid easily down, and the food was gobbled up.


                     I've always loved this little shack with its tables neatly arranged outside, which lies on the other side of the watery entrance way to Barra's lagoon.

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