Saturday 29 January 2022

Road to El Dorado

El Dorado, which is a beach restaurant, lies on the long stretch of sand at Playa Blanca. We often visit here for a relaxing afternoon with friends. Wendy and Pat, friends from Alberta, set up this soiree. Their grandson is with them, so they wanted to entertain him a bit. Pat, had a successful knee replacement just before Christmas in Morelia (about 4 hours away), so their grandson came to Zihua so he could get his ACL repaired with the same doctor his grandpa had. The young lad is a hockey player and has a full ride at a university in the states starting this fall. The wait time in Canada wouldn't allow him to get this surgery done in a timely manner, so he opted for treatment in Mexico.

                                            One of the main roads in Zihua

                                        Heading out of Zihua

Here is Tyler, the young lad who had his ACL done. Best of wishes to you Tyler. Hope your healing goes well.
                                       Hoss and Mike, a friend of Claude's

                   This family is Claude's nephew and his family from Saskatchewan.


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