Sunday 9 January 2022

Ride to Barra...The Long Road There

 We rode to Barra de Potosi taking the road that leads you to Acapulco just for a change of scenery. It really isn't that much further. We went this route many years ago on our first trip to Barra. It was an entertaining journey from Zihua because we got on a combi, which is a wee bus(some people call it a collectivo), and got off at a small town called Los Achotes. From there we waited for an improvised cattle truck with benches in the box that haul people from this drop off point to Potosi. We were surrounded with old friends and made new acquaintances through this adventure. To this day, we occasionally meet up with these acquaintances and have hearty chats while visiting in Zihua. Anyways, on this trip, we were on our way to a birthday party for a fellow pickleball player. We bought some beer at a tienda(small conveniece store), and carried on our merry way to the party. Tally ho and away we go! Once again I'm a pack mule(sitting on the back of the bike holding many bags!).


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