Saturday 10 February 2018

Singapore Sights!

We woke up early and refreshed, then took the MRT(Singapore's mass rapid transit) in search of coffee. We found it in the shopping center of Bugis Junction at McDonald's. Good way to start the day! We then continued on towards the CBD and Marina Bay to explore the sights.

                                 Bicycle stand outside of the MRT in the area we are staying.

                                         Part of the shopping mall by McDonald's.

 Here are the iconic landmarks of Singapore. The lotus shaped building is the Art and Science Museum, and the three hotels with the boat shape on top is the fancy Marina Bay Sands Hotel.

                                        Marina Bay

             The Arts and Science Museum and the ferris wheel in the background is called The Flyer.

Singapore is hot and humid, and these structures have a fan that is run by solar panels which provide some coolness to people passing by. Wonderful idea!

                                          Another shopping center

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