Sunday 25 February 2018

Fort Cornwallis in Penang

The star-shaped Fort Cornwallis is built where the British East India Company landed in Penangin 1786 to take possession of Penang Island from the Sultan of Kedah. The Fort was later named after the Governor-General of Bengal.

The fort was initially a timber stockade, and housed several timber and attap(traditional housing) buildings. The fort was rebuilt with bricks, and given a major upgrade in 1804.

During the first 100 years, the fort housed troops from the East India Company and British Army, but throughout its entire history it has never engaged in any battle, even when the Japanese took control of Penang from the British during WW2.

                                          This is the top of the wall that encircles the fort.


                                              Penang Harbour Lighthouse and Flagstaff.

 Gunpowder Room and magazine. It was used to store explosives and military hardware such as rifles during the British administration.
                                         Inside the gunpowder/magazine room.

Seri Rambai Cannon. Known worldwide and believed to possess some magical power. It is one of the main attractions in Fort Cornwallis.

Archaeological work is being done for further completion of the fort which will take about 2 years to complete.

                                A statue of Captain Francis Light who initially landed on Penang.

                                            Restoration being done.


                                           The fortress's wall.

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