Saturday 4 March 2017

Our Neighbourhood

The area we staying in is called Los Palmas.  It is a newly developed residential area that is full of Canadians, Americans, and Europeans.  You will find houses, apartments, villas, condos, hotels, small shops, restaurants, and a grocery store.  Las Palmas is located across the road from the beach.  This is the same area we stayed with our kids when we drove down with our motor home in 1995-96.  We camped in a shady area under the trees on the beach, picked mangoes off the trees, watched the large iguanas climb trees and chase each other, while our children played.  We can't pinpoint the exact location of our previous stay because there are a few more houses on the beach, and it is too far in the past to recall accurately, but we are sure we have discovered the approximate area. 

 A trail to the beach, similar to an area where we would have stayed with our motorhome, minus the fence. 

                                         No lack of howler monkeys!

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