Saturday 18 March 2017

Costa Rican Coffee

It is always a bit of a challenge to find decent coffee when we are traveling.  I have now resorted to asking people in the grocery store which brands they buy.  With our first visit to the grocery store in Playa Del Coco, I lucked out and happened to ask a woman who is a coffee freak!!  She pointed us in the direction to a small coffee store up the road towards Liberia about 20 minutes away.  Sun Burst Coffee is a Costa Rican company that distributes their product out of a small store.  They tried distributing the product to different communities, but their drivers were very skilled at wrecking their vehicles!!

Sun Burst Coffee Facts:

Costa Rica produces 375 million lbs of coffee per year.
Coffee is grown between 3000 and 5500 feet.
Sun Burst Coffee only produces cafe Arabica.
Coffee is a very important cash crop.
All the beans are hand picked.
Only one crop is picked per year, from September to March.
It takes 6lbs of ripe cherries to produce 1lb of green coffee for roasting.  Plants start producing in the 4th year and produce 2 to 8 lbs per plant.

                                   The store smells great when the beans are being roasted!!


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