Sunday 5 February 2012

Now For the Bad!! And Then the Ugly!!

Samara was a lovely, quiet town that I would love to go back to.  It is very relaxing!!

But, the next day we decided to visit another beach town called Nosara.  No problem!!  Hop in the car and away we go.  But, this time the road is not paved, and it made Saskatchewan roads (after our spring flooding last year) look like super highways!!

 I was anticipating a flat tire, but luckily the tires held out!
 Many people walking down the road had to cover their nose and mouth to filter out the dust.
 Now What??
 Great! It is passable, but too deep for our car!
 We found a shallower spot.  If this dude can cross, so can we!!
 Norm is walking out our path so there are no surprises!!
 Now for the UGLY!!
Not only is the road a bumpy hell hole, but the dust caused by all the traffic on the road was insane!!  The foliage was heavily coated with dust.  I'm not sure how the plants are able to use their photosynthesis to produce food.

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