Sunday 12 February 2012

10 Reasons Why Our B&B is Freaky

Although the house in Cancun where we are staying looks very nice, it isn't all what it seems.  So here are a few reasons that I find it a bit freaky!!
1.  We have barely met the owner, Josephina, and when we did meet, she hardly gave us the time of day!!.  We were greeted the first night by her teenage daughter, and shown our room.
2.  The doors are never, ever locked, even when no one is home!! This is Mexico!!
3.  The windows are always open.  They are never locked either!!
4.  Josephina has a housekeeper, and her name is Espenanza.  Her quarters are attached to the house, but the entrance is from the outside.  It consists of a very small room that holds a cot and small table.  There is also a bathroom.  Our shed back home is probably 3 times bigger!!  Espenanza is a very nice lady and we get along well with her.  She speaks no English, but google translator has been a huge help for communication.
5.  We have no hot water!!  The kitchen has hot water, but not our shower.
6.  We had TV for the first couple of days, but now it is turned off.
7.  The family consists of three people.  Josephina, the mom, the teenage daughter, and a son of about 20 years of age.  The other 3 children are grown and gone.  We have no idea about the dad, but we do see family pictures of him.  The family is never home.  They seem to leave early in the morning, and I'm not sure when they return.
8.  The house at first glance looks very nice, but upon further inspection you start noticing many, many flaws.  There is rust everywhere... the fridge, mirrors, sinks, stove.  It has been poorly finished.  Back in Canada we would not put up with a shoddy job.  The fridge is too tall and doesn't fit into its spot, so it is shoved up against the cupboards with a huge gap at the back.  Cleanliness is also an issue.  Stained white towels are laundered and replaced for us to use.  I just throw them under the sink. 
9.  Lighting is almost non existent.  At night the lights are so dim it is hard to read.  During the day Hoss finds it hard to shave in the bathroom due to a lack of enough light.
10.  And the best of all I left for last.  Two days ago, Josephina and her son left for San Diego.  We were told the daughter would be staying at her married sister's place.  So it would be Espananza and us to hold down the fort.  At about 4:15 AM we were all awakened by many loud voices in the house.  We peeked out our bedroom door and there was the teenage daughter and 6 or 7 of her liquored up friends.  They had been clubbing all night and came here for more.  We got dressed and came out and met Espananza who did not like what was going on.  I think the kids were looking for a place to crash for the night but all the bedrooms were locked.  We chased the kids out.  One of the boys who was the DD was very apologetic and seemed to be very sensible.  Hopefully, he drove everyone home.

Next time I think I'll book a hotel!!!

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