Sunday 5 February 2012


After all the dust, and terrible road conditions we finally made it to our destination... Nosara.  It is once again a small surfing town.  We found a beach that was near by but not the beach for Nosara.   Actually, we lost our way around trying to find this place and get back home.  The roads were confusing and started to all look alike!

We found a great little restaurant in Nosara that had an interesting bird that kept close watch on this place.  I think it loves to steal food from unsuspecting restaurant goers.
 The Beach Dog Restaurant in Nosara.
 White-throated Magpie-Jay.  There were two of them flying in and about the restaurant.
 Hoss walking the beach by Nosara.
 Tide pools and looking for shells.  A beach hobby of mine.
 A glorious white sandy beach.
Surfing dudes relaxing and waiting for the next round of great waves.

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