Sunday, 16 February 2025


 Our gang of friends piled into three vehicles and drove 30 minutes north to a sleepy, little, long board surfing village called Saladita for lunch. Such a beautiful area!


Lagartos's Playa Blanca

 We spent a relaxing afternoon at a new place called Lagarto's on Playa Blanca, recommended by a friend. We had a beautiful cooling breeze, calm afternoon with great people and food!


Happy Hour

                                            Happy hour at the Erma


Lynn's Birthday

 Claude surprised Lynn with a surprise birthday party at Ixtapa Island. We took two pangas (small fishing boats) out to the island and got to see some whale action on the way there. We had a glorious day!


                                                 My dear friend, Lynn, the birthday girl!

More friends

                                        Our little beach village always brings a gathering!

Jungle pizza for delicious food and drinks.

El Vado for an evening meal.
                                                Superbowl gathering at Sharky's


Getting together with people we know from past visits to Zihua is always fun!


Saturday, 1 February 2025

A Week in the Life of The Karius'

 Our life is busy in Zihua, and it's hard to get some quiet time! If you are not a social person, do not come to Zihua! It's full of great food, music, beaches, and wonderful people!

                                               Drinks and supper at Club M.


                                                 Blues music at Fishing Hole 2.


Drinks and food at El Manglar with Zihua friends.


                                         Our beach village.


                                                      Supper with our gang at Jungle Pizza.