Sunday 12 November 2023

New Adventure....Return to Zihua

 We arrived in Zihuatanejo, Mexico on October 28. The small city was buzzing with the upcoming celebration of Dia De Muertos or Day of the Dead which is held on November 1st and 2nd. The children celebrated Halloween, on October 31...which lingered into November 1st with avid trick or treating and in costume. In the past few years these two celebrations have been merging together.

Day of the Dead is a family tradition to remember and honor those they have lost. Altars are set up in homes and adorned with pictures and favourite items and food of their beloved deceased. Graveyards are visited and tombstones are cleaned while a joyous celebration is held with food and family. 

The outdoor market is filled with flowers for sale...especially marigolds, which are often called "flowers of the dead". These bright yellow and orange flowers are said to attract souls to the altar. They are cheery and celebrate life, instead of the sadness of death.


                These two children have been selling trinkets on the street for years. The little girl is a spitfire and an accomplished salesman.

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