Sunday 24 September 2023

Octoberfest Beer

 Only beer from Munich breweries may be served at Octoberfest. The six breweies that are allowed to make the Octoberfest beer are: Augustiner, Hacker-Pschorr, Hofbrau, Lowenbrau, Paulaner and Spaten. 

An interesting tidbit of history about the Augustiner Brewery is that it was founded in 1328 by monks of the Augustinian Order. 

These six breweries start months in advance preparing their brew for the festival. They also up the strength of the beer to 6.0-6.5 percent. No wonder there are many people stumbling around at all hours of the day.

Each mug contains three beer with a cost of about 15 euros plus a tip which works out to about $26 Canadian.


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