Friday 22 September 2023

Munich's Famous Octoberfest

Our main reason for coming to Munich was to attend Octoberfest. Our riverboat cruise which begins September 24 coincided with Octoberfest's timeline, so we said "what the heck! Let's checkout this beer drinking event". 

Munich's Octoberfest is an annual event held over a two week period and ending on the first Sunday in October. The festival's origins began October 12, 1810, which celebrated the marriage of the crown prince of Bavaria, who later became King Louis1, to Princess Therese von Sachsen-Hildburghausen.

This celebration continued annually and eventually morphed into what it is today.  There are many aspects to this festival which included the beer tents, clothing, food, exhibition rides, horses. This post will focus on the beer tents. This was early in the day. The doors open at 9am and close at 12:30am.

                                                Each mug holds 3 beer


             This couple, from the States, sat at our table, so we had a beer together.


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