Monday 16 January 2023

Zihuatenajo Pickleball Tournament

 This past weekend, Emanuel, our pickleball coach/mentor/friend, hosted an International Pickleball Tournament. It was well attended by players and watchers. Athletes from Canada, the USA, Peru, and Mexico came out to play. A few of us that play pickleball in Zihua helped Emanuel out by volunteering at various duties. I was one of many court monitors, and both Hoss and I work as line judges in the finals. The tourney was a successful three day event full of laughter, friendship and intense competition. A whole lot of talent showed up, and the games were amazing to watch! We are already looking forward to next year's tournament!

                            Our friends came out to see what all the hoopla was about.


                                                              Play in action


                                          Emanuel, taking a much deserved rest


                          Sales...shirts, runners, skorts, mugs, bunnyhugs, socks, plaques

                                           Registration desk

                            It's always nice to see a medical team at a sporting event.


Our friend, Alexandra, and her brother won bronze for mixed intermediates. She was beyond thrilled!

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