Sunday 29 January 2023

The Parthenon of El Negro

The Parthenon of El Negro in Zihuatanejo was built by a corrupt Chief of Police. His Greek themed party house is in a state deterioration, but it's beauty can still be seen through its neglect, pilfering, and graffiti.

Arturo "El Negro" Durazo Morena became Chief of Police in Mexico City from 1976 to 1982. During he brief tenureship he was able to build an enormous racketeering empire that included kickbacks from the drug smuggling industry. As a result he built a couple of lavish mansions that he used as his personal retreats. He developed a reputation for egomaniacal behavior and crookedness that followed him to his grave. He was eventually arrested and charged with smuggling, possession of illegal weapons, corruption, and extortion.

               We parked at the bottom of the hill and walked the dirt road to the Parthenon.


                                            This small dwelling housed tigers

                                   Fabulous views of Zihua Bay from the Parthenon


                                       Mirrors on the ceiling of every bedroom.


                                 This deserted building is now home to many bats.


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