Tuesday 3 March 2020

Day Trip to Elizabeth Quay

The day started off stormy from the evening before. Storm clouds built up and brewed and resulted in rain, rumbling thunder, and cracks of lightning which lasted throughout the night, and into the next couple of days. We took our chances with a trip to Elizabeth Quay which lies on the Swan River. We rode the train all the way, got off, and walked around taking in the beautiful sites of Elizabeth Quay.

                         This storm lasted a couple of days with constant thunder and lightning.

                      These two tiny tykes are absolute travel troopers! Grandma's kind of kids!
                                         Hilton Hotel at Elizabeth Quay

                                         A view of King's Park from Elizabeth Quay.

                              The beautiful skyline of downtown Perth from Elizabeth Quay.

                                         Elizabeth Quay water park.

 Kaiden had loads of fun in the water park until a tremendous crack of thunder and bolt of lightning  hit! It was too funny to watch him run for cover! The lightning hit very close to us, and I could smell the ozone of the from the strike!

                                          Waiting for the rain to subside.

 As the rain ended and the sun started to shine, we headed a couple blocks up the hill to downtown Perth for a look about and a place to have lunch.

This is a favourite street of mine in downtown Perth. It's almost like being in a Harry Potter movie! What a great day!

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