Sunday 8 March 2020

Caversham Wildlife Park

A day at Caversham is a complete joy especially when you are accompanied by children! The park features Western Australia's largest collection of fauna, and home to approximately 200 species of animals, birds and reptiles, with opportunities for close encounters with kangaroos, koalas, and wombats. What a great day!

                                           A cassawary, a shy bird, that has the ability to kill a person.

                                  My favourite Australian bird, the kookaburra. It loves to laugh!

                                          A cute Australian possum

                                          A blue-tongued lizard

                                         And a variety of parrots

                                         Snuggling with a wombat

                                           And the cutest of all....koalas

                                         Kaiden is pointing to the kangaroos pouch opening.

                                            Australian emu

                                         Look at those dinosaur feet!

                                         An echidna

                                         Kaiden loved howling with the dingoes.

We also saw a variety of snakes, lizards, turtles, fish, and animals that were sleeping or too shy to get a decent picture. Thank you Caversham for the great day!

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