Friday 7 February 2020

Rossy's Restaurant at Playa La Ropa

Friends of Claude and Lynne arrived the other day. We joined this fun group of people at the beach in front of Rossy's Restaurant at Playa La Ropa. Always a lot of laughs!

                                Not too often you see a lifeguard walking the beach in Mexico.

Weird weather! The sky has been cloudy for a few days, which is very unusual for this part of the world. And, thankfully, the temperature is still very warm, sitting at a balmy 29 degrees celsius. The humpback whales must like the overcast sky. One was frolicking at the mouth of the bay, splashing the ocean with its great flipper, and putting on on show with several spectacular breaches. It had everyone's attention! I have fallen in love with Zihuatenjo!

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