Wednesday 27 March 2019

Rishikesh Walk About

Rishikesh has stolen our hearts. After busy, noisy, gigantic Delhi, Rishikesh has become a welcome relief. We found a calm atmosphere at our accommodations, and have settled into Rishikesh. 

These  narrow lanes lead to quaint hotels, yoga studios, restaurants, c-stores, and spas in the area we are staying. We love it!

There are monkeys all over Rishikesh. This mother is grooming her baby.

                           The Ganges

               There are many narrow lanes throughout Rishikesh.

                                 Cows are everywhere!

Many rafting tours are available. Not sure if they'll find level 5 rapids though.

There are two pedestrian bridges in Rishikesh, but you will also have to put up with motorcycles, cows, and monkeys. Today was very busy on the foot bridges.

                          This cow was getting a rub down.

Rishikesh is a holy place, so you won't see anyone drinking in public. These beer were hidden in the cooler behind the oj. We were led deep into the restaurant, and napkins were wrapped around the cans to hide its content.

Monkeys just off our balcony. Many of the guest feed them so they know where to come for handouts.

                  This guy probably thinks we're stingy.

          A nice little restaurant in the area where we stay.

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