Friday 29 March 2019

Brown Bread Bakery Guesthouse

We arrived in Varanasi around supper time. Our guesthouse had a driver waiting to take us to our accommodations. We were a bit culture shocked when we arrived. Our guesthouse is located in Old City, Varanasi. Narrow, winding lanes led us to our accommodations. Our room was very basic, small, and somewhat disappointing. Being tired and grumpy, both of us were a bit unsatisfied. We showered, had a bite to eat in the guesthouse restaurant, and found the food to be very tasty. Back in our room,  getting ready for bed, we discovered our pillows felt like we were sleeping on a bag of potatoes(slightly exaggerated!), but the bed mattress was of reasonable comfort. The street noise calmed down and became quiet. We had a good sleep and woke up in the morning with a renewed attitude of interest and curiosity in the area we are in.

Breakfast smelled so good that this girl thought she might come in and join us!

The street outside our guesthouse. It's like stepping back in time.

           The Brown Bread Bakery Guesthouse restaurant.

Our room may be small and basic, but the meals are large and very tasty!

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