Wednesday 31 January 2018

Sandy Cape, Jurien Bay

During the Australian Day long weekend while we were in Jurien Bay, we decided to go to a beach just outside of town called Sandy Cape that had a small campground, a sand dune for the kids to slide down on boogie boards, a fine white sandy beach, and calm ocean waters. The day was hot and sunny, and we had a wonderful afternoon! What a beautiful spot!

Monday 29 January 2018

Australia Day

Australia Day is the official national day of Australia. It is celebrated on January 26, and marks the anniversary of the 1788 arrival of the first fleet of British ships and the raising of the British flag at Sydney Cove.

Today, Australia Day celebrations reflect the diverse society and landscape of the nation and are marked by family and community events. People listen to the Triple J radio station, have barbeques, camp, light fireworks, and celebrate with family and friends while enjoying the warm summer weather...very similar to our Canada Day.

                                         I love these women! They celebrate in style!

Jurien Beach

Jurien Beach is a small beach town where city dwellers come on the weekends to relax and enjoy the sun, beach and many activities that are available such as fishing, swimming, snorkeling, nature and wildlife tours, camping, skydiving, and swimming with sea lions. Our first excursion, after settling into the house Jess booked, was a walk to the beach.

                                              Very comfortable accommodations!

                                           Australia has such beautiful beaches!!

          Our return trip to the house was on this walking path that runs parallel to the beach.

Sunday 28 January 2018

Long Weekend Road Trip

Australia Day is held every year on January 26. This year, that date landed on a Friday, creating a long weekend for many people, including Jess. We decided to make the most of it, so Jess booked accommodations for two nights at Jurien Bay which is about 2.5 hours north of Perth, and we made a weekend out of it.

                               🎵 On the road again.🎵.....hey isn't that a song! Seems to be our theme song!

A Family Outing

With Catlin home from his job, Jess was given comped tickets from a friend of hers, to a live show called The Unbelievables that was playing at The Crown Theatre. We had supper at one of the Crown's restaurants, and a fun evening watching the show. Very entertaining!

The Unbelievables is an act that includes comedy, magic, circus, live music and dance in a family-friendly spectacle. The host of the show was a comedian named Harrison Greenbaum, and if you ever get a chance to see him live or on TV, I guarantee he won't disappoint!

                                          Beauty and the goof!

Thursday 25 January 2018

Swan Valley

Swan Valley is about 30 minutes east of Perth, and is noted for its fertile soil which is uncommon in the Perth region, and its recent expansion of the tourism-based destinations. This is wine and food country, with many wineries, a chocolate factory, coffee roasters, beekeepers, a lavender farm, olive groves, cheese farms, goat farms, dried fruit producers, many restaurants and cafes, and local veggie and fruit stands that sell seasonal produce that are grown in this area. Hoss, Jess, and I spent an afternoon tasting wine, chocolate, and cheese. What a treat! of Jess and Catlin's favourite spot to taste wine and buy cheese.

                                           The Chocolate Factory!

This place sells relishes, chutneys, honey, olive oils, sauces, and a few kitchen nic nacs!

                                           This is the Lavender Bristro

                                             The Ugly Duckling

                                         Edgecombe Brothers

                                           The Cheese Barrel
                                              Our yummy snack!

Tuesday 23 January 2018

Cottesloe Beach, Perth Australia

With more than a kilometre of soft, white sand, Cottesloe Beach is one of Perth's most popular spots for swimming, snorkeling, and surfing. Many people have spent their summer days frolicking in the waters of the Indian Ocean off the shores of this beach, while watching a glorious ocean sunset, or having a beer, or glass of wine while relaxing in one of the many restaurants that line this shoreline. We spent a wonderful afternoon with Jess at this lovely location. The day was hot and sunny, the ocean refreshing, and the beer and french fries delicious. What a great way to spent a Saturday! Catlin would have been with us but he is still working at Olympic Dam.

Sunday 21 January 2018


Freemantle  is a port city that's part of the Perth metropolitan area. It's known for its maritime history, remnants from Australia's days as a British penal colony, and Victorian architecture. Everytime we are here we always take the train to Freemantle and spend a weekend afternoon enjoying the pretty surroundings, and taking in the market.

The market is always interesting, very busy, and filled with many shops that sell fresh veggies and fruit, prepared foods, a variety of drinks, desserts, clothing, soaps, leather, and knickknacks.

                    This poor little koala slept while he held the interest of many people in the market.