Wednesday 20 March 2024

Life Just Keeps Chugging Along

 We headed home early this year, unusual for us, but it had to be. Hoss's dad, a well admired and respected man of nearly 95 years, sadly passed away. His last hurrah was well attended. It was a gathering for family and friends to reacquaint, and spend time together. Many laughs and tears were shed with comforting memories. You will be greatly missed, Harold, dad, grandpa, great-grandpa, uncle, and friend to many!

                                      Harold with our boys when they were young.

After the finalities of Harold's funeral celebrations, a joyous event happened...the birth of our little granddaughter, Mae. Welcome to the world little one!

 Our son, Addison, and his beautiful family! Kelsey, Addison, Halie, Max, and Kaiden.




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