Saturday 22 April 2023

The End is Near!

The sad time has arrived and our visit with Catlin, Jess, Wyatt, Booker and Caesar has quickly come to an end. We leave Australia on April 24, and arrive in Melville on the 25th. We have had a wonderful winter, exploring the sun and sand in different locations. As I look at my weather app I see we will be greeted back home to much cooler temperatures. We will turn up the heat in the house and settle into a different routine. I am ready to go home and dearly miss our other son Addison, his wife Kelsey, and grandchildren Kaiden, Halie, and Max. We will have ballgames and soccer games to attend, and I'm sure we'll have sleepovers with the grandkids! I can hardly wait! We will see Catlin and his family in three months when they come home for a visit. We have a wonderful summer to look forward to with our whole family being together once again. 

 We have a trip planned to Europe in September! Until then....Adios!

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