Saturday 25 February 2023

Sunset Music Cruise With Ali Tod

 Sailfest has been happening in Zihua for the past week. It's a huge fund raiser for indigenous school children in this area. We attended the gala dance, and then the sunset music cruise that hosted well known guitarist Ali Tod from Scotland. She does slappy guitar, a technique she acquired from a local Mexican couple that have won many awards throughout the world for their talent. Ali will also be performing at Guitar Fest next week in Zihua. It's always a great time when you can cruise and then listen to great music! And a huge thank you to the couple who hosted this event and generously welcomed guests onto their beautiful boat which has now become their full time home.

                                 Boats and dingys pulled up to listen to the music.

                 Our evening ended with an impromptu supper will Ali and friends.

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